Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Here are some things I have read, heard, or seen recently.

My body is not a machine, but a city of a billion inhabitants.
Rocks are at the bottom of the Great Chain of Being.
Some people can bend spoons with their minds.
On Children's Day in Turkey, all the flags come out. Thus, mine is the only balcony not dressed in red. Mine wears pink flowers instead.
They do not sell Matzah at Macro (favorite grocery store 1) or Migros (favorite grocery store 2), at least in my neck of the plowed-down and over-developed woods.
If you incorrectly type in your pin number multiple times, your phone will lock. Unless you have the card given to you when you purchased it (and who keeps anything these days? Pack rats are so passe) you will be banned from the joy that is text messaging. Forever.
I want to be the next Maureen Dowd. Make that Perez Hilton. Make that Joan Didion. Make that can't I get real pancakes in this country?
In the U.S., a Trojan is a condom, in ancient Greece is a warrior, in computerworld its a virus. My computer had thousands of them. Moral of the story: don't download music illegally.
Ultraviolence is a modern aesthetic. Think Tarantino. Think a slo-mo,exaggerated fountain of blood so graphic its spurting from the slushie machine at the 7/11. Think violence has become a narrative divorced from the pain and suffering it causes. Think a war can go on for five plus years because the beauty of mortar fire against the backdrop of skies that rocked the cradle of civilizaion is more aesthetically pleasing than Johnny with stars and stripes splayed over his coffin.
Tattoos are a way for people who don't want to bother figuring out who they are to stake their claim on individuality. I want one. But what? But where? Don't say butterfly on my back.

Sometimes I think I know nothing at all.

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"The struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a [wo]man's heart." (No, this is not my lover)

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