I am not quite ready for another transatlantic flight.
The jet lag, the neck cramps, the awkward conversation with a stranger for ten hours. After two intercontinental round trips and a few domestic flights, I'm so over it.
Oh, boo hoo. I can't complain. I sound like a spoiled jet setter with matching Louis Vuitton luggage.
But really. I just unpacked and now I have to repack again. Examine these photos carefully. Is it really necessary to bring instant miso soup and taco seasoning back to Istanbul?
In my unpacking and repackaging, I've learned a few tricks of the trade:
1) Ziplocks are your friends
Inevitably, something will spill, most likely all over your favorite new dress. Anything that is liquid, lotion, cream, gel, or simply not solid should be wrapped in plastic. Try saran or bubble wrap if you get desperate.
2) Nest like a set of Russian dolls
Put your socks in your shoes, jewelry in your pockets, bras in your sweaters. It saves tons of space.

3) Pack light
I never do this, but you should. Do you really need two pair of black heels? That raincoat or pair of boots just in case? You always recycle the same two outfits anyway. You know those signs at Midway airport with the silhouette of a slender traveler with a compact little rolling suitcase? That should be you!Well, actually, its really nice to have lots of options when you travel. There's nothing wrong with carrying an entire pharmacy in your purse. I am negating #3 and adding

*Always close your umbrella before you pack it.
** I also stocked up on chocolate chip cookies. You can't find a decent one in all of Europe.
4)Rules are for suckers.

Sometimes I wish I were a turtle so that my home would follow me wherever I roam. At the end of the day, no matter where in the world I am, I just want to crawl in my shell and hide. I've unsuccessfully tried to grow a hard shell, but I am still very exposed. For now this polka dot umbrella will have to suffice.
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